Spreading Rumours by Kristen Hanby
Kristen Hanby and his crazy family launch the world's worst podcast where they dive into hilarious life experiences and chat about anything and everything - even if it's complete nonsense. Get ready for a good laugh and some seriously unfiltered conversations!
Spreading Rumours by Kristen Hanby
EP16: Parent Life, World’s Youngest Podcast Guest and Girls Going For Bottomless Brunch
Spreading Rumours Podcast by Kristen Hanby Episode 16.
Youtube: @spreadingrumourspodcast
Instagram: @spreadingrumourspodcast
TikTok: @spreadingrumourspod
(00:00) yo what's good everybody welcome back to a brand new episode of spreading rumors so obviously on last week's we had hers at 11 Briny they've quit as well so now I am literally Jasmine at the flyback she landed about half an hour ago he made me to come and back me up at the Pod and we actually also joined it done as you can see it right now because she's asleep Emmy the world's youngest person on a podcast you're gonna say hello when she wakes up we'll um let us speak and just do whatever but yes today's podcast is
(00:34) gonna be me and Jasmine you know what I'm saying she demanded like how much did you want an hour a couple thousand pounds an hour I have to be on this I'm not allowed to swear today so it's gonna be called the world's worst pod okay so I'm gonna just interrogate Jasmine and just ask about parent life okay if you had to compare how you are as a mum versus your mum how would you compare it that's a hard one like like do you know obviously the way um like how she brought you up compared to how you bring Emmy up
(01:16) so like when I I don't know so what you're trying to basically say is she'll she'll try to give me advice on things that she's done with me but I know that I'm like no no that's not right it's not right but you kind of do you tell her straight or yeah of course I do so you tell like [ __ ] off mum oh see no swearing okay literally how many seconds in oh yeah so every time I swear okay oh this is a deal this oh goodness I'll announce the winner now actually so every podcast we're giving away a hoodie okay to one person last week's
(01:52) she hit us up this week the winner of the Pod the hoodie is called Debbie Mackin okay and if you want to win the hoodie this week and we announce you next week you have to comment how many times I swear on this podcast okay and we're gonna go through we're gonna count as many times we're doing whoever's right the first person I see that's right gets the hoodie there's not enough numbers okay so no swearing from me you're not sway either I don't swear anywhere see okay
(02:16) that's the deal okay back to you as a mum so yeah so basically you're telling you me your mom gives you [ __ ] advice you have to politely say no thank you Mom and you just carry on with your way yeah but only like little things like janaka dummy the string yeah yeah I'll put it on her for bad then my mom's like no no you can't do that you can't be doing that and I'm like it's just little stupid things because even like when I was growing up and I see parents their
(02:44) parents are well strict like they for I swear again no you didn't swear I said half that counts as a square okay if you're counting yeah do you know what parents are really strict and they're like no you're not doing this or they shout at them or they don't I don't know like she's only what like five months old nearly she [ __ ] when was she last week it was the last last night week yeah because it's the first today so it would have been a week tomorrow what yesterday what four
(03:10) months five months she's not five months on the 20 because she wasn't four months in a week ago yeah oh and it was the week before because the weeks and the months don't add up yeah yeah okay ignore that but you know when you see parents and they're just so strict and just like out of order I can't I don't like that so literally she's gonna get away every single time she cries she's gonna get away with murder every time she wants something you get to have whatever you want okay baby
(03:37) she's so cute so yeah so yeah comment on your comment on this podcast your thoughts of how parents should treat their kids like what level of strictness should they have should they let them just like if she cries we're like no no no don't cry you know what I'm saying yeah so like even like the way like um my brother is of his kid he's a lot stricter than we are so yeah comment on this pod what you think how parents should be I've got a question for you go ahead so before we
(04:02) had Emmy yeah how do you feel how do you feel like you're finding Parenthood now to what you thought it was like before you had a child I know I've always wanted people I've always thought like that is something when it comes like when something comes along with life I just go with it you know what I'm saying I always seem to do things but I knew it was going to be like lit and easy because like the life I kind of have yeah so it's not actually hard and obviously when she wakes up
(04:27) in the night time I don't wake up at all Jasmine wakes up like three or four times and I literally I wake up fresh every morning yeah but sometimes you'll I'll wake up and the other time this one time about two weeks ago you got out of bed and he was like just give me a real feed and I'm like with what what are you gonna feed her with it's more of the fact that like the what's the word it's more the fact I've made I've offered something knowing that she's gonna say no yeah but
(04:56) then when I walk up the next morning and I told you you was like did I so you don't remember that you're doing it yeah but it's just the way it goes you know what I'm saying I kind of just have to oh wait no he actually had her through the night the other night also baby yeah yeah it's easy literally I woke up Jasmine came back drunk that request thing going to bring up actually in a minute but yeah so Jasmine came back drunk we didn't allow her to sleep in the bedroom she had to sleep in the spare room
(05:22) literally I could just hear her [Music] you know what I'm saying it was a mix between her throwing up and her being horny no no there's nothing I'm just it's telling about the experience she's literally banging on the door she's like a zombie in a movement literally it was out on the bedroom door I literally had to lock the bedroom door I said go in the spare room now really no it wasn't that bad but yeah I don't remember coming home what this question I was
(05:50) gonna go on to kind of rolled into it do you know girls is it called bottomless lunch bottomless brunch where they go for literally they go out for lunch with all their girls and like the daytime and literally when they get home they're just zombies and just literally think they're porn stars and you know what I'm saying I think it's deer drinking I think that's what does it to us it's become monsters yeah like day drinking for females turns them into zombies especially when
(06:14) you're a mum as well when you don't drink that often she was buffing literally I came I guess I came out she had Kebab all right I was like what's that around your mouth I thought it was sick she could bab all around her mouth and then I went and then then she went to the washing machine um because she wore my t-shirt out and um she literally she I came what are you doing but she ignored me like I wasn't there I said what are you doing but I can see shed like the steam
(06:43) room because I didn't want to tell you I'd ruined yourself and then what even happened did it did you ruin it yeah it won't come out so I'm just gonna keep it make it into a crop top yeah that should be do you know we should actually start a [ __ ] oh no this way I would another swear word we should start a TV series or like a they're not really cool it'll be called bottomless lunch it's like a challenge where you're sending females out and they go get drunk for the day and I don't
(07:11) know don't know that's like I don't have the whole concept I've just literally thought up now but let's let's go be a sick Alex if you're watching this we elaborate on that okay lad so yeah almost brunches are well good yeah yeah but it says what how females act yeah I'm saying you could probably like some make some mad little show of that oh yeah definitely comment if you've got any experiences bottomless lunch and if you're a bloke come on and see them because
(07:32) they're like fiends Demento boneless punches no we just go to the pub for as long as we can to get away from the females yeah true whereas girls they go out get lunch and they come back because they're little [ __ ] ah scratching at the door let me in I've got no panties on [Laughter] baby foreign the podcast today we thought we'd make it a bit more parenting Vibe talk about experiences bit my PG a bit more PG oven from the swearing I've been sworn four times hey baby you're weak
(08:17) oh I see they went she's awake hey hi hey oh come here baby okay she doesn't know where she is one minute she was in Leeds now she's back in Jersey hey baby you have a nice nap what's that what's that hi can I miss my girl see if you listen to Spotify she's woken up hey baby oh what's the matter she's thinking this is the [ __ ] this is everybody but it's his dad life hey you want to say hello hey hey look at you go baby this is where his baby voice comes out yeah literally hello baby she's actually learned to start rolling hasn't she
(09:11) hey hi can you say hi where are you at where are you at baby do you want to go to Mummy she didn't know what she wanted that way I can still ask questions because when when she's on me I forget about everything in life and just her oh do you know what I love her toes obviously said some toast I thought you said toast a little toast hey hello look at little toys oh she's got glitter on them see if you're watching this is Emmy have you got anything to say you say hi I'm pretty sure if we
(09:52) Google it should probably be the the youngest person to ever go on a pod yeah hey baby hey hey oh look how cute she is so she came out of um Jasmine and her head was literally you couldn't see it she had that much hair and now she's lost it she looks like an old man she's literally bald you look like an old man don't you baby what's she doing I can't see her face she's just staring boo boo no she's cute so yeah back to some um experiences you went through then jazz
(10:26) what was the experience of breastfeeding oh my God that was the when I first started that was the most painful thing I've ever experienced in my life oh my god when you're in that a bit of the hostel bed with the big wife my God because she wouldn't latch on at first and then it just felt like it was just going to be impossible and I nearly gave up and how long was it every time she was feeding the faces that I was pulling oh let's see if you're watching if you're listening to Spotify okay her face how can what's something similar to that face
(10:57) I don't even know but just pitch your eyes above clothes and your mouth as wide as possible why is you're like gasping for air oh I felt like I needed to like bite on my hand every time she latched on because it the pain and now it's just like a [ __ ] yeah it was weird throwing her mouth and she you don't even have to be awake literally floppy sock yeah you just toss it and then she just finds her mouth on it it's just like that's the best way to describe it to be
(11:24) fair big s a big what did I say a sloppy sock a big sloppy sock hey baby you're so beautiful hey look at her she's like a little orangutan when she's old enough to um when she's old enough to actually speak and stuff I'm gonna start a separate pod and Jasmine is not invited because I guess if Emmy's like one years old or like 18 months or however long it is she won't be able to quit like everyone else we had Johnny we lost we had Scott we lost him we had Natalie she said
(11:57) it was a bad pod Brian's left lives left my Nan's left my mom it's literally just me Jazz just came out for sympathy and extra money and you baby hey you weren't asking for money you're gonna say hi to everyone you're gonna say hello she's just staring at you you're gonna say hello baby oh it's crazy because like literally you know like how like she is do you know before you have a kid do you know like you think you like love people and you think you like
(12:31) do you think you'd like love people and think you like um have like I don't know enough words you've never known love like it until you have a baby like let's see if um someone said to me I have a gun and I've got to shoot every single family member in the head or I've got a flicker make her cry I'd shoot everyone in my family they say head bang bang hey baby hey hey what are you doing I've got another question for you guys hit me a bit when's baby number two well I'm gonna be honest with you okay because
(13:06) I've been thinking when she's about four years old I'm gonna find another female that looks nothing like you so I have so it's like next thing I'm saying so comment if you're like if you're Ting and you want to have a baby in like four years I'm thinking maybe like just a totally different baby you're gonna have a heart problem with this stuff do you have half my sister shut up I don't get how people like this is like like no disrespectful of video but
(13:35) you know people have a baby and within the first like six months they've got another one like on the way sometimes they they obviously can't help it though sometimes it just happens yeah I just couldn't I just couldn't imagine that because like and I know like I could say in a way like I've kind of got it easy how like it is oh my God I've seen this thing I think it might have been on Tick Tock some woman was pregnant with twins she had she gave birth six months later she got pregnant again with another set of twins that's crazy
(14:03) that's crazy and it was fun how crazy was experience when she came too a hospital what are you looking at what are you looking at what are you looking at she's smiling I remember when she first came because when we got to hospital it was just nuts oh my god well not for me really because I was just doing laughing gas yeah having a [ __ ] crap cover your is another swear word yeah it was crazy the whole Hospital experience yeah I was having trying to have pain relief none of the pain relief was working then we had to have it what's
(14:39) it called epidural where they stick and needle in your back didn't work didn't work well no it only works on one side of my body so then how I think I was in labor for like 32 hours something like that and then there was like he was just staring at me then we needed to go for a C-section and then that pain relief didn't work yeah and then I had to get put to sleep and then I remember like so when they were about to do it I remember they made me sit in the corridor and on my mind crying
(15:06) and then people ask me you're right but I was like I'm so good I missed it because I've never the only time I've seen you cry is when we told you family about they was having a baby hey yeah yeah and then obviously when we went back to the room I was waiting on this room and I was wait in this room I'm over like 20 minutes sat there and then she came in and then literally she was there and I was like for five minutes I was crying the Midwife had to hug me like you're
(15:31) fine and then I picked her up and then like she must have done this like this big stinky poo on my let's see it was like tar it was sat on my arm but I knew she'd done it but I didn't want to let her go so it's like I'm saying 45 minutes until the Midwife came in and like said don't take her off and it was literally stuck to me like concrete did you it was the it was the mad it was like black yeah that's what it's like the face baby's first poo when they'll come out the womb is like tar it was nuts black and she just kept
(16:01) looking at me like she's doing this look and I don't even know what it was but it was just like who the are you yes I literally blurred out my swear word there yes did you poop on Daddy this part's so different than the last ones most pods we do we're drinking alcohol we're talking this mad stuff but today today we're not allowed to say a swear word around you away we're not allowed to say a swear word she's being good she's been really good you've been a good girl do you want to talk you want to say hi you gonna say something
(16:40) she looks so scared what is it are you gonna give me credit now Emmy Blue who came up with that name you I came up with your name what names did you want to call now what was your options did I I don't think you just had bad options did I pick one for a girl I don't think I picked one for the boy's name if he was gonna have a boy what was it again but what if we have a boy well it's not gonna be of you who's gonna be with some other thing I love that word because it makes me like
(17:07) knows I'm joking well we're paying what was your name gonna be again I can think for a girl boy can I say it yeah but what if we have a boy what's the name Hala Harlow me so when we were um deciding Emmy's name like I wanted it to be unique not unique but like different yeah I'm saying because I don't know an Emmy no tell them how we did it my nose is really sore because you said you said to me right well go on Google and we'll go on this like page where it's like baby names beginning with a baby games beginning with BC and you said if we pick
(17:49) out the same name from the list it's fair it's like we've got to call us baby that name yeah and then when we was reading out the names we got to E I didn't pick Emmy but you was like I really like this name it's really cute it's Emmy and at first I was like not too sure and then after but then we're going to call her Harley as well yeah spell h-a-r-l-e-i-g-h but then it got close and we were like nah yeah I think we was only gonna call her Harley because we couldn't think of anything else that we liked and then literally what I was doing as
(18:21) well so before this when we're doing this I went on Google and I was searching things like exotic fruit names like all this random [ __ ] because I was trying to think of a sick name that like no one's had but I literally don't know in any blue no I don't know an Emmy Blue I don't know an Emmy if you're called Emmy comment on this video and I'll send you a present yeah I'm saying everyone's just going to change the YouTube names to Emmy yeah that'd be sick I'll
(18:46) put on Tick Tock and then they're gonna I'm gonna have like thousands of Emmys hey baby my nose by the way has gone so itchy and like Alex can't hide all these angles of the camera doesn't talk while I do this so it's on you now just zoom in it and picking his nose now because I get bad [ __ ] okay I get bad hay fever hey get him off okay you're gonna give me a rating okay Jasmine is going to give me a rating now out of 10. of how I am as a dad and what I can improve on and what
(19:19) I can't improve on okay I'll be honest no I'll give you a 10 out of 10 because you're a really good dad the only thing that you can improve on is the nappy changes oh I was doing I was doing lit and then you just decide you always just go in and do them no no no you need you need more I was gonna wear a nappy today so she felt comfortable and maybe bottle feeding as well [ __ ] saggies all these swears she every time she's hungry just pull your big sock out and slap it on the
(19:52) you slap on the sofa and she hmm that have been silly no but now now I'm starting to I know I need a boob job after breastfeeding because they're big like I bet the thing is not as mad as it sounds like before you have a baby in that like boobs like I don't even think they can be like I don't think you can like look at them in a sexual way now because they're milking their her food which I'm saying so like there's no way you could like it's weird I don't know how
(20:24) to explain it but do you know what I'm trying to say yeah but that's her food now that's hers yeah you can't like sexualize that anyway you know because like disrespecting her she's full of glitter so am I you wanna go back to Daddy yes I'm excited to see the review on this pod the review come here baby hey hello are you with me now so yeah now it's my rating on you okay so you said I'm 10 out of 10 but you said I oh what's that what's up baby so yeah Jasmine's rating now I'm
(21:00) gonna give you uh FIFA I'll give you 10 out of 10 being a mom um what can you improve on um let's say I'm talking back to me making me more dinners uh still not getting massages in the morning so there's a lot you can improve on there's mum yeah Mummy needs to sort it out you're trying to grab it so cute because she's going to watch us back in years to come and think that was me so how was on the world's crapest podcast I like how you use that word there but you better hope my auntie
(21:32) doesn't hear that because my auntie's second name is crap and every time you say the word crap around her she doesn't like it oh I can't see this I can't say the first name you know you don't know I'll tell you after I can't see the first name because then she'll be around there on smoke are you touching the mic baby okay what's your proudest moment and favorite moment with Emmy so far this moment is a rolling over a rolling over yeah she's starting to roll over
(22:01) now yeah you're a big girl oh yeah so she's literally it's an actual proudest moment yeah okay what's my proudest moment is my hand I don't know my parents went over there is when she does big fat poos a favorite moment with her I'm not sure you know I can't think you're a bad dad now because there's like multiple things like my favorite like even like when you know when you become actually proper Giggles yeah I love that I love when she just Falls there's loads of things maybe I can't wait until she like can start walking
(22:45) oh she's is this weird as well like literally every time I'm holding it I just keep doing it yeah we must kiss her about a thousand times a day he's trying to grab the mic and she's getting mad now do you think she gets mad with how many times we kiss her because imagine someone doing that to you 10 million times a day look I said she thinks she's getting teeth soon this is literally just like us talking about her and she can't understand her a little um it's crazy like she's been gone now how long have you gone like a week just over a week it's weird
(23:22) like I literally get like when she leaves I feel like I get depressed it's mad it's like this voids is gone and then literally this morning when I woke up do you know when you get up and you just can't be able to get a bed and then you FaceTime me and showed me her and I was like this yeah is what about me did you miss me I'll be honest no I miss her she's the only person I ever Miss remember that time I went away years ago and you messed me did you miss me and I went no
(23:44) and you were like what remember you got really upset about it yeah because who doesn't like who didn't miss a girlfriend like what did you just say ing did she just say a swear word what was that word you said before girlfriend what does that what does that mean sure I'm still waiting for a ring if you win they win should Daddy get mommy a ring so I sing to her so I sing I say so every night when I'm trying to get to sleep I rock them arms I sing to her and I'd make it up every different night you are
(24:28) my sunshine my only sunshine you made me happy where's guys are great the other thing I like about you is as well like if she's crying and I'm just like passed it and tired I'll give it to you and she falls asleep within three minutes that's good you're the best it's crazy a whole different side comes at me when I'm holding her yeah like if I was if you weren't here on the Pod now and it was like Natalie and Scott and we're drinking I'll be saying [ __ ] red
(24:57) I didn't swear then yeah I'd be saying like Reckless though but that's because like this is what you do to me baby you make me like the most chilled out person ever we went for a stage as well where we were smelling eons yeah they smelled me like yogurt little yogurt I wonder if anyone else does that smells of baby John's yeah you're gonna show how strong your legs are mm-hmm chunky legs Alex Ado clipped to this video of her rolling over because we want everyone to see okay is he allowed to put in the video baby
(25:31) is he allowed to put in the video I put it in the video yep did you get lots of money you see Mommy oh okay she's getting a bit Restless she's getting mad you I actually enjoy it because I feel no pressure like prior to this pod as well like I said it takes me ages to like literally takes me ages to literally prepare for them because I gotta like write subjects for this part it was just literally just turn up okay do people get to just see what we're like for half an hour oh my
(26:08) baby hey little baby I want to eat these tours you okay this is something about baby you're gonna say anything on the pod you're gonna say your first word she looks like a little orangutan no she looks like a bold old man oh oh she didn't like that okay she's getting rested but how good has she been she's been really good do you want to say anything okay oh baby you're okay I know the podcast is that bad but don't cry they got a little time she started to stick her tongue out [Laughter] excuse me girl again
(26:56) what's she doing what are you doing are you being a cheeky girl ha boo yeah you look like Dennis the Menace I took a swim in the other day yeah so you took my swimming now twice without me I picture this I've never hang on a minute hang on a minute just stop there just stop there how many times did I ask you to like stick a swimming I've never seen her swim in Jasmine's taking her twice now how many times have I asked you twice twice thinking about me just shut up so yeah this is Emmy are you gonna tell him to follow the pod
(27:41) oh Colin if you want to see more about me come on if you want to see more on this pod no come here because she's the only person that can't quit she's the only person that can't refuse to turn up she doesn't even know who she is right now oh this is so funny so who did I say won the um eat in a hand I'm just gonna double check again who did I say won the hoodie so yeah so uh where's it where's the ladies on so yeah remember if your name is Debbie Mackin she said she loves a plot and she'd love a hoodie go on to Instagram message
(28:16) spreading rumors pod selling your tell them your size your dress and we'll get one sent out to you okay and remember to comment on this pod how many times did I swear and that's the way you can end it to win the hoodie next time next week yeah I've just realized I've dressed up from inside out back to front what do you mean that was supposed to be at the front where's Mommy done to you she's got it on the wrong way around oh I know you know mommy's mommy's not that ugly she wants booby
(28:45) okay well this pod was literally last minute because of them just I'll let you all know no one's really quit the Pod yeah I'm saying Scott has left the Pod but like Natalie everyone else no one's really quit the Pod I just like to bring myself down on everything I do like saying how bad this podcast is comment if you because this makes it then there's no expectation if I'm like oh this pod's the best it's like no it's not when your podcast is [ __ ] but if I say my podcast is
(29:12) [ __ ] it means that like people can't slate it yeah yeah I'm upset reading the comments yeah but I think Alex has bought fake comments comment this is not a fake comment if you've commented on this pod literally yeah Jasmine got for the door 15 minutes ago that's why she looks like [ __ ] um Emmy doesn't know Emmy looks beautiful as always so you can go maybe have a shower now put your makeup on or whatnot so yeah I think she's having a poo do it poo going poo poo poo poo
(29:41) are you gonna say bye bye to everyone you gonna say bye yo drop a comment what do you think of this pod it's a bit different no alcohol involved no bad language no me what's the word this me no there's no diss that's what I'm thinking of no discs but yeah this is basically me not being crude comment if you want Emmy to be a regular um host on the podcast we need Natalie and that was on oh yeah next week we'll do me Jazz and Natalie and um Atlas and hopefully Jasmine put some makeup on and maybe like put some set a tape
(30:24) on her chin cool we love you all say bye-bye am I joking to accept my apology get lost go friend but like girl friend there's like a space there's like a space between the words it needs to be wife next WoW her toenails along and they're scratching me oh my God should I tell them what you've done the other day no I'm not going out today because I don't want you getting there oh no no no that wasn't me no I'm not gonna tell you I I love you thanks for watching this episode if I've spent more with them like thank you thank you
(31:08) for listening drop a comment give us some feedback and yeah we're gonna do be doing like maybe two or three more episodes and then we're gonna actually get a new set built this was just a test STAR we hit 10K on YouTube which is kind of cool 10 000 People Like Us hopefully Alex didn't buy 10 000 subs and buys all the views yay I love you and we'll see you next week it's I think we're going to have us free Atlas Atlas Lexi and Natalie yeah yeah yeah cool we'll see you all next week [Music]
(31:38) thank you